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Configurations for debugging django, volar, testing, linting and formatting are all include in the project files.


VSCode can be configured to format and lint on save instead of manually formatting files before submitting a pull request. To enable auto-formatting and linting install the following extensions in VSCode:

Name: Flake8 Publisher: Microsoft VS Marketplace Link:

Name: yapf Publisher: EeyoreLee VS Marketplace Link:

Name: isort Publisher: Microsoft VS Marketplace Link:

Name: Vue - Official Publisher: Vue VS Marketplace Link:

Name: Prettier - Code formatter Publisher: Prettier VS Marketplace Link:


Adding a comma at the end of a list will trigger yapf to put each element of the list on a new line

VSCode Tasks

There are a number of built in tasks that are available. Here are a few of the key ones:

  • Setup Dev Server - Runs all the prerequisite steps so that the dev server can be run inside VSCode.
  • Setup Tests - Runs all prerequisites so tests can be run inside VSCode.

Once these are run, you should be able to run/debug a django server in VSCode as well as run/debug tests directly through VSCode. There are also a few other tasks specified in case you have specific development needs:

  • Run Dev Server - Runs a django development server not connected to VSCode.
  • Run all pytests - Runs all the pytests outside of VSCode.
  • Yarn Serve - Runs development Vue.js server not connected to VSCode. Useful if you want to make Vue changes and see them in realtime.
  • Serve Documentation - Runs a documentation server. Useful if you want to see how changes to documentation show up.